Adult Volunteers…
We are always looking for additional people to join our team and help us change the lives of young people. Volunteering is #GoodForYou as well - good for developing skills, making friends and generally good for your health and happiness too!
In addition to the above, we are looking for the following:
Section Team Member
As a Section Team Member, you can take part in many amazing experiences with young people including camping, climbing and water sports as well as many practical activities and running games using your current skills and learning new ones.
We are looking for enthusiastic, caring people to help out at the weekly meetings in one of our sections - Beavers (aged 6-8), Cubs (aged 8 - 10.5) or Scouts (aged 10.5 - 14) to help plan and run the section meetings together with the other leaders.
Enthusiasm, empathy with young people and a sense of humour are required. But we can teach you the rest. We'll support you all of the way and ensure that you get the training and support that you need.
Other Opportunities
You can volunteer in various other ways too:
By becoming an occasional helper which allows you a flexible way of providing your support.
​By becoming a member of our executive team and assisting with the administrative side of running the Group. This could be as Chair, Treasurer, Trustee or looking at opportunities for Fundraising.
You can also volunteer to help with the admin for a particular section, taking the pressure off the leaders.
Attend a meeting and demonstrate a skill. This could be anything from or anything else that is interesting, educational and introduces a different experience to our young people: craft, mechanical, circus, woodworking
Help us with maintaining our equipment and headquarters and improving our facilities.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities and would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to explain in more detail!
We take Safeguarding and Safety very seriously. All volunteers will undergo an Enhanced DBS check and all our activities are undertaken in accordance with the rules laid down by The Scout Association. All of our Adult Leaders are required to regularly undertake First Aid and Safety training and we also work to comply with GDPR legislation. Full training appropriate to the role undertaken by an Adult Volunteer is a requirement of the appointment.