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How to pitch a tent...




Pitching a tent is the process of putting the tent up correctly. When you actually reach the point of erecting the tent itself bear in mind a couple of points..


The first rule in pitching a tent is to always face the tent door down hill. This is a must to keep water from entering the tent through the door. This rule should be followed even if the weather forecast does not call for rain..


It may be an idea to look out for the wind direction as well. Make sure the wind will not be blowing into the tent all the time (except perhaps in hot weather where this can help cool you down!).


If the weather is particularly bad or if you just want to protect the tent, erect a simple shelter over the tent. Placing a simple shelter (e.g. a tarpaulin or sheet of plastic) over the site can help keep the tent dry in the most severe of weathers and can be useful in bad weather allowing you to pitch the tent in the dry...






Ideally all the required equipment should be stored within the tent 'bag' itself. You should always keep a full tent stored as one piece of equipment wherever possible (sometimes the poles will have to be stored separate). You will need to check the following;


A Tent of the required type.

Its condition will have been check before you came to camp for holes, leaks, wear and tear. Most tents have attached guylines and brailing 'loops'. Ensure there is still a full set of these and that they are not frayed. Make sure the runners are still on the guylines and move with ease.


Fly Sheet.

Not all tents have these but most ridge and hike tents do. Ideally they should still be packed together with the tent so you will not forget them, but with some larger 'patrol' tents they are usually separate (due to the weight). Again silly things like do they fit with the tent you are taking, their condition, holes/frayed areas, guylines etc.


Full set of poles.

Ideally this should be lashed or 'banded' as one item. In an ideal world they will also be colour coded for ease of use (especially with some of the more complex 'frame' tents). Ensure they are in good condition and fit together snugly before you go to camp. Any uprights poles should be checked to see if their 'spikes' are still there and firmly set into the pole. Check other things like are the two uprights the same height? Does your ridge pole actually fit into the tent you are going to use?



Some tents have attached guylines, but most ridge tents have separate main guylines. Make sure you have the correct number (normally a set of two). Are they of a sensible length? Are they frayed or worn?. 



If your tent requires dollys make sure you have them! Do they fit onto the upright firmly? Never take a new tent straight into camp, you will sometimes have a job of getting the dollys to fit onto the upright!



Make sure you have the correct number and spares too. Don't forget you will probably need different numbers of varying sizes. Large main guyline, medium guylines and smaller brailing pegs. Count them, and then count them again, and then add a couple more for good measure. These should be stored within a strong bag, packed with the tent. 



You will probably need a mallet or two. Type will depend upon the tent you have. Smaller wooden mallets are probably the best, not because they do the job easily, but because they are less likely to damage or break the pegs. For plastic pegs (rare but some 'family' frame tents have them) you will need a rubber headed mallet unless you want plastic flying through the air. For the hike tents that have the small thin metal pegs, make sure the mallet is not going to bend them easily. For most tents 'normal' metal hammers are simply not required and will damage the equipment, although if your tent is more of a 'marquee', or has large metal spikes, a four pound or sledge hammer might be advisable! 




Unpacking the tent


Having chosen your site, lay all your equipment out neatly near the chosen area, take care in unpacking your equipment.


Remove the fastenings on your tentbag and poles.


One person can be arranging the poles into the correct order, and begin to piece them together (for most tents like ridge/frame tents).


Take care in removing the equipment from the bag, this is where all the silly items first get lost.


Remove the tent and fly sheet and lay on flat, dry ground.


Place the peg bag and other small equipment on top of the tent bag.


All this sundry equipment should remain on the bag until in use.


Always replace it back there while working rather than just leaving it where you where.


Lift (try not to drag) the tent to the site and unfold carefully.


Do not rush this, do not pull on the tent as you open it.


If a guyline gets tangled and you tug the tent you could rip the tent and then you will be spending the night under the stars!


No one should be walking over the tent at all. If you need to reach 'across' the tent then go on your hands and knees.


Again this is where the tent picks up dirt, scrapes, tears and stains. Do the same for the fly sheet and any groundsheets..




Ridge Tent


Techniques do differ, and to be honest there are several different 'types' of ridge tent. However the basic principles are very commonly used..


Without Flysheet


1.Groundsheet. Personally with our patrol tents we do not peg down the groundsheet so we leave this until last. We simply drag the groundsheet in after the tent is up, working under the uprights, and then lay out. Be careful to ensure that it lays up against the sod cloth so that no water can get in (so it looks like an upturned box lid within the tent). However, if you want to peg out your groundsheet (flat?) you will probably want to make this your first step. Peg out a corner (small-medium pegs driven straight down) and pull the other corners tight, pegging as you go. Take care in placing it, this is where you tent is going to stay now!


2.Some people now like to place pegs ready for the corner/ main guylines to fit onto. Especially if you are erecting the tent with just a few people (or on your own) this could be very useful. Personally though I normally have enough people to help, so we hold the tent in position after the steps below and peg it out from there. Obviously if you are going to place pegs now you will need to be sure they are in the correct position and that the guylines will reach comfortably. I would suggest that just the pegs for the main guylines would be sufficient for now.


3.Place the poles together. Make up the ridge pole and the uprights (normally either two or three uprights depending upon the size of the tent). 


4.Lay your tent out flat (I would recommend not laying across the groundsheet in case the tent catches on the pegs in the ground, another reason why I don't peg the groundsheet in first) upside down, so that the inside of the tent is now uppermost. 


5.Lay your ridge pole across the middle of the tent (you may need to slide it through some canvas loops). Remember not to walk on the tent or drag the poles across the tent. 


6.Pick one side of the tent and place the uprights in position at right angles to the ridge pole. Insert the spikes through the holes in the ridge pole and through the holes in the ridge of the tent. Be careful not to rip the tent. You may find the fit across the length of the tent is tight. I suggest you place the upright spikes through, working from one end to the other. You may need to 'pull' the end of the canvas a bit to reach over the last spike. 


7.Fold the tent over across the top of the side with the upright poles on. 


8.Place the main guylines on the end of the uprights (using dollys if you have them. Note some tents have the main guylines already attached). If you had placed pegs earlier then attach the guylines and corner guys to them now while the tent is on the ground.


9.Lift the tent upright carefully. If you have enough people, make sure someone is on each end upright, and some pushing the ridge pole up and some pulling on the main guy. For a few people (or by yourself!) hold the main guylines, place your foot on the base of the upright and pull carefully. 


10.If the tent is not in the correct position, lift by the poles and slowly walk it into position. (Note: You must NOT do this if you had already attached the guylines to pegs, you will rip the tent!) 


11.Tighten the main guys (you may need to peg these out if you have not done so already) so that the tent will stand unaided. Ensure that the uprights are vertical, and that the ridge of the tent is straight. 


12.Tie the doors up now. If you peg the tent out with the doors untied you may find yourself unable to close them later! 


13.Untie all the guylines if you have not done so already. Peg out the corner guys first. They should normally come out at an angle of 45 degrees to the tent (or 'horizontal' and 'vertical' if your tent has two guylines to each corner). This will help give the shape of the tent. 


14.Pegs should be driven in at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground, facing away from the tent. You then slacken the guyline by pushing the runner away from the tent, place the guyline over the peg, and tighten by pushing the runner back up towards the tent.


15.Now peg out the sides, ensuring that the side walls is lifted. The tent should stand straight with no creases. On most ridge tents this means that the slope will be even throughout, with the 'bottom' of the tent vertical. Do not pull on the tent so much that the sod cloth comes off the ground. There should not be a gap between the ground and tent walls. 


16.Ideally all the pegs should be 'in-line' with each other as you look down the sides of the tent. 


17.Now place all the brailing pegs into the loops round the bottom of the tent, driving the pegs straight down into the ground. Take care not to rip the tent, do not 'pull' too much on the canvas. Work your way round the tent so that there are no 'gaps'. 


18.Check your groundsheet is snug inside, and that no water will come in. Check that all pegs/guylines are secure. Collect all the tools and spare pegs etc. and place them back in the bag. All unused equipment and bags go back into the main tent bag and are then placed inside the tent.




Dome Tent


1.Lay out the groundsheets if you intend to use one (some dome hike tents come complete with sewn-in groundsheets).


2.Stake out the groundsheet with tent pegs


3.Unfold tent and lay out on top of the groundsheet. Make sure all the doors are zipped up.


4.Unfold the tent poles and carefully push it through the tent towards another person on the opposite side. Take your time. This is when the tent is most likely to rip. Push gently and remove any obstacles as you go. You will probably have more than one pole. Make sure that the pole is going straight across the tent and is fed into the correct hole.


5.Now take the uppermost pole and place one end into the hole on the tent. Gently force the other end of the pole into a curved shape in order to get it into the hole. Repeat for the other poles. The tent should now stand on its own.


6.Once the tent is up, tie or fasten the poles to the tent at the top and attach any clips you may have to the poles.


7.Lift and place the tent exactly where you want it now. Peg the corners down.


8.Take the flysheet and throw if over the tent. Make sure the doors are aligned correctly. Some dome hike tents have a pole that ensures the front is kept in shape. Proceed as you did for the main poles.


9.Peg the fly and tent down and use any guy lines you may have. Some hike tents have a 'porch' which uses a few poles to hold a flap over the door. If the weather is reasonable this will be useful.


There are many types of dome tents. Some have to have the outer fly put up first and then the inner tent hangs from this by clips. For these proceed as above for the fly. Once it is up and pegged out move into the tent with the inner tent (which you have kept dry in the bag) and hang the centre clip up. Now turn the tent so that the door matches the door in the fly sheet. Starting at the back of the tent peg each row of clips from top to bottom taking care to make sure the groundsheet clip is attached to the peg/fly. Work this way for each set towards the front.



Sharing your information


Young people and other data subjects

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding an appointment in the 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group.


Adult volunteers

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding appropriate appointments within the line management structure of The Scout Association for the 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group as well as with The Scout Association Headquarters as independent data controllers.


All data subjects

We will however share your personal information with others outside of 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group where we need meet a legal obligation. This may include The Scout Association and its insurance subsidiary (Unity Insurance Services), local authority services and law enforcement.  We will only share your personal information to the extent needed for those purposes.


We will only share your data with third parties outside of the organisation where there is a legitimate reason to do so.


We will never sell your personal information to any third party.


Sometimes we may nominate a member for national awards, (such as Scouting awards or Duke of Edinburgh awards) such nominations may require us to provide contact details and award nomination details, such as citations to that organisation. We may also share data on award nominees for National Honours Awards, including the same data as above.


Where personal data is shared with third parties, we will seek assurances that your personal data will be kept confidential and that the third party fully complies with the GDPR and DPA 2018.


How we store your personal data

We generally store personal information in the following ways:


The online membership system of The Scout Association. This system is used for the collection and storage of adult volunteer personal data and training.


Online Scout Manager - is the online membership system of Online Youth Manager, this system is used for the collection and storage of youth member personal data.


Google Drive – shared drive which can be accessed by all section team members in the group this is used for storing Risk Assessments, programme information, camps and section information.


Dropbox – controlled by the Group Lead Volunteer and used for storage of photos and electronic file backup.


In addition, adult volunteers may hold some personal data on local spreadsheets/databases.


Printed records and data held while attending events - paper is sometimes used to capture and retain some data for example:

  • Gift Aid administration

  • Event registration

  • Health and contact records forms (for events)

  • Events coordination with event organisers

Paper records for events may be used rather than relying on secure digital systems, as often the events are held where internet and digital access will not be available.  We will minimise the use of paper to only what is required for the event.



Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.  Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.



How we provide this privacy notice

A link to this website page is provided to those whose data is being processed by us.  A printed version is also available on request.



Your rights

As a Data Subject, you have the right to object to how we process your personal information.  You also have the right to access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal information we use.  In addition, you have a right to complain to us and to the Information Commissioner’s Office (


Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR and DPA 2018, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • The right to be informed – you have a right to know how your data will be used by us.

  • The right to access your personal data – you can ask us to share with you the data we have about you. This is a Data Subject Access Request.

  • The right to rectification – this just means you can update your data if it’s inaccurate or if something is missing.  Adult members will be able to edit and update some information directly on The Scout Association’s adult membership system.

  • The right to erasure – this means that you have the right to request that we delete any personal data we have about you. There are some exceptions, for example, some information will be held by The Scout Association for legal reasons.

  • The right to restrict processing – if you think that we are not processing your data in line with this privacy notice then you have the right to restrict any further use of that data until the issue is resolved.

  • The right to data portability – this means that if you ask us we will have to share your data with you in a way that can be read digitally – such as a pdf. This makes it easier to share information with others.

  • The right to object – you can object to the ways your data is being used.

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling – this protects you in cases where decision are being made about you based entirely on automated processes rather than a human input, it’s highly unlikely that this will be used by us.



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Who to contact

If you have any queries relating to this Privacy Notice or our use of your personal data, please contact us by emailing the Group Lead Volunteer, Graham Fairclough at


Version number and date of the last review

Version 1 January 2025




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Charity numbers: 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland).
Registered address: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, England E4 7QW

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