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Axe Skills...




An axe can be a very useful tool in camp. Note however that there are many different types of axe and they tend to be suitable for a limited range of work. In Scouting this should not present too much of a problem as we tend not to use the more 'specialist' types of axes..





Sharpening an Axe


An axe with a blunt edge becomes no more than an inefficient hammer, and indeed a great deal more dangerous as you struggle to use it. Always keep your axe sharp. For large 'burrs' a file is probably your best bet. Make sure you use the file correctly though, it will only work in one direction, it works when pushed, not pulled..


To sharpen your axe prop the axehead between a log and a peg driven into the ground. Always try to sharpen inwards from the cutting edge (to avoid producing any burrs). First use a file or rough stone to remove any burrs and rucks. Then finish with a smoother stone, using a circular motion. Don't drag the stone off the cutting edge, push on to the blade..


Turn the axe over and repeat the process, circling in the opposite direction..







Chopping Areas


When chopping wood at camp, you will need to create a specific chopping area. Choose a site that is fairly close to the fire and clear of any obstructions (not only on the ground. Ensure there are no overhead obstructions that could catch your axe as you swing). Make a circle that is at least 2m (6 ft) in radius (or at least 3 axe lengths). Rope this area off and ensure it is clearly marked. Make sure that everyone knows where the chopping area is. No loose clothing should be taken into the area, and no one should enter the area without strong shoes or boots (and of course checking it is safe to enter)..



Using an Axe


Most people with have a 'prime' hand and a natural swing. Always use the axe in a way that is comfortable to you, swinging in an arc that feels natural. Make sure you have a firm grip, and always swing AWAY from your body, hands, and legs. Ensure that if you miss your intended target and follow through, the axe will not strike you or anyone else. Never throw an axe on the ground, always sheath it or bury it in a log..





Making an Axe


First you will need to select the wood for your handle, any straight, knot-free hardwood will be suitable (ash and hickory are ideal). Cut two notches into the fluke of a buttress, spaced to the desired handle length. Hit along the side of the fluke close to the cuts. It will split away at their depth..


Next you will need to fit the head. Whittle the handle into shape with one end cut to fit the hole in the axehead. Make sure you cut a notch in this end that is going into the axe head and make a wedge to fit the notch. With the head in place, drive the wedge into the notch and then soak the axe in water overnight (this will tighten the head onto the handle as it soaks up the water). Always check your axehead for tightness before you use them..



Carrying an Axe


Carry an axe by holding it just under the head. Point the blade down or away from you to minimize the chance you will fall on top of the blade if you trip.





Tree Felling


Before you do anything else, check overhead for dead branches which may fall and injure you, and for things like hornets nests. Clear the area around the tree of any undergrowth or branches that could deflect your blows. If the tree has a particularly large spread of roots or boles around the base you may want to construct a platform so that you can reach a thinner part of the trunk and save time and effort. Obviously if you do this make sure the platform is stable and you have a clear route of escape (in case something goes wrong!). .


Cut from both sides of the tree. First you chop a notch out at an angle of about 45 degrees and then another on the opposite side at a lower level, on the side which you want the tree to fall..


Do not cut through more than half the tree before starting the other notch..


You must work at a height that is comfortable for you. Try to cut downwards at 45 degrees (you may need a horizontal cut occasionally to clear debris etc.)..


A steady rhythm of blows will cut much more efficiently than fewer big blows. If you put too much effort behind the axe your aim will suffer, you will tire and then every swing becomes more dangerous. Always let the weight of the axe do the work..


Alternating the angle of the stroke will prevent the axe from jamming. Too steep an angle will cause the axe to glance off, end-on will make the axe jam (or simply be inefficient). Try to aim for a 45 degree angle..





Splitting Logs


For a large log, as before, stand behind the log with your feet well apart. Swing down the cut the side away from you. Do not chop downwards. If you wish to split a smaller log, lay it against another log. Do not put your foot on it. There is an alternative to this though, hold the smaller log against the cutting edge and bring them both down together on to a larger log..


If in doubt, or if you have any difficulty, split larger logs with a wedge and a rock. Do not hold the wood upright in your hand and try to split with an axe..


When chopping branches from a large log, always stand on the side away from the axe. Always cut branches from the outside of the fork, not the inside..





Fitting an Axe with a Handle


If the head is loose you can soak the axe for a few hours in a bucket of water but this will only ever be a temporary fix (the wood will swell and the handle will be tight for a little while). Ideally you need to replace the handle or at least replace the wedge..


Saw off the old handle close to the axe head (Note: you should not just burn the handle off as this will cause the bit to lose its temper, note the above arrangements) and drill out the wood that is left in the axe head. You can punch the rest of the wood backward from the handle side and then clean inside the hole..


Get the new handle and pound it into the head. Make sure the handle passes out the other side by at least an inch. Also be sure that the new handle is correctly aligned..


Put some glue on a wedge and in the slit for the wedge in the end of the handle (you did make a slit didn't you?) and then drive in the wedge. You can now saw off the excess handle and wedge..


It would be a good idea to fix the wooden wedge in place with a steel wedge, placed diagonal to the wooden wedge..



Broken handles


Using an axe takes a lot of practice and occasionally along the way handles get broken. This usually occurs when the head misses the target and the handle takes all the force from the blow. To remove a broken handle, the easiest way is to put it in a fire, burying as much as possible of the metal in the earth (to prevent it losing temper)..


Never attempt to repair an axe handle..


Never use any axe that has a damaged or split handle.


Sharing your information


Young people and other data subjects

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding an appointment in the 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group.


Adult volunteers

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding appropriate appointments within the line management structure of The Scout Association for the 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group as well as with The Scout Association Headquarters as independent data controllers.


All data subjects

We will however share your personal information with others outside of 22nd Wimbledon Scout Group where we need meet a legal obligation. This may include The Scout Association and its insurance subsidiary (Unity Insurance Services), local authority services and law enforcement.  We will only share your personal information to the extent needed for those purposes.


We will only share your data with third parties outside of the organisation where there is a legitimate reason to do so.


We will never sell your personal information to any third party.


Sometimes we may nominate a member for national awards, (such as Scouting awards or Duke of Edinburgh awards) such nominations may require us to provide contact details and award nomination details, such as citations to that organisation. We may also share data on award nominees for National Honours Awards, including the same data as above.


Where personal data is shared with third parties, we will seek assurances that your personal data will be kept confidential and that the third party fully complies with the GDPR and DPA 2018.


How we store your personal data

We generally store personal information in the following ways:


The online membership system of The Scout Association. This system is used for the collection and storage of adult volunteer personal data and training.


Online Scout Manager - is the online membership system of Online Youth Manager, this system is used for the collection and storage of youth member personal data.


Google Drive – shared drive which can be accessed by all section team members in the group this is used for storing Risk Assessments, programme information, camps and section information.


Dropbox – controlled by the Group Lead Volunteer and used for storage of photos and electronic file backup.


In addition, adult volunteers may hold some personal data on local spreadsheets/databases.


Printed records and data held while attending events - paper is sometimes used to capture and retain some data for example:

  • Gift Aid administration

  • Event registration

  • Health and contact records forms (for events)

  • Events coordination with event organisers

Paper records for events may be used rather than relying on secure digital systems, as often the events are held where internet and digital access will not be available.  We will minimise the use of paper to only what is required for the event.



Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions.  Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.



How we provide this privacy notice

A link to this website page is provided to those whose data is being processed by us.  A printed version is also available on request.



Your rights

As a Data Subject, you have the right to object to how we process your personal information.  You also have the right to access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal information we use.  In addition, you have a right to complain to us and to the Information Commissioner’s Office (


Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR and DPA 2018, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

  • The right to be informed – you have a right to know how your data will be used by us.

  • The right to access your personal data – you can ask us to share with you the data we have about you. This is a Data Subject Access Request.

  • The right to rectification – this just means you can update your data if it’s inaccurate or if something is missing.  Adult members will be able to edit and update some information directly on The Scout Association’s adult membership system.

  • The right to erasure – this means that you have the right to request that we delete any personal data we have about you. There are some exceptions, for example, some information will be held by The Scout Association for legal reasons.

  • The right to restrict processing – if you think that we are not processing your data in line with this privacy notice then you have the right to restrict any further use of that data until the issue is resolved.

  • The right to data portability – this means that if you ask us we will have to share your data with you in a way that can be read digitally – such as a pdf. This makes it easier to share information with others.

  • The right to object – you can object to the ways your data is being used.

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling – this protects you in cases where decision are being made about you based entirely on automated processes rather than a human input, it’s highly unlikely that this will be used by us.



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Who to contact

If you have any queries relating to this Privacy Notice or our use of your personal data, please contact us by emailing the Group Lead Volunteer, Graham Fairclough at


Version number and date of the last review

Version 1 January 2025




All logos are © Copyright The Scout Association 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Charity numbers: 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland).
Registered address: The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, England E4 7QW

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